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日期:2018-05-17 点击数: 来源:





1998- 2001年  中国农业科学院作物所  作物遗传育种 博士

1988- 1991年  吉林农业大学农学系 作物遗传育种 硕士

1982- 1986年  吉林农业大学农学系 农学 学士


2004- 至 今 新葡的京集团8814vip 新葡的京集团8814vip 教授

1996- 2004年 解放军军需大学 农副业生产系 副教授

1991- 1995年 吉林农业大学 农学系 讲师

1986- 1988年 吉林省农业科学院 玉米研究所 助理研究员


吉林省遗传学会 副理事长(2007 - 2018

吉林省作物学会 理 事(2014 - 至今)





1. 作物基因组学与生物育种

2. 作物基因工程与分子生物学


1. 国家重点研发计划


时 间:2016.07 - 2020.12

2. 吉林省科技发展计划项目


时 间:2020.01 - 2022.12

3. 吉林省发展和改革委员会


时 间:2021.10 - 2023.10

4. 国家科技重大专项--转基因生物新品种培育


时 间:2014.01 - 2016.12

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目


时 间:2014.01 - 2017.12

6. 国家科技部转化资金项目


时 间:2012.01 - 2014.12

7. 国家高技术研究发展计划


时 间:2011.01 - 2015.12

8. 吉林省科技发展计划重大项目


时 间:2012.01 - 2014.12

9. 国家科技重大专项--转基因生物新品种培育


时 间:2009.06 - 2012.06

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目


时 间:2006.01 - 2008.12


1. Yuan Jiang, Zhixue Wang, Hui Du, Runlong Dong, Yaping Yuan*. Jian Hua*, Assessment of functional relevance of genes associated with local temperature variables in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Environ., 2022, 45 : 3290 - 3304.

2. Yingjie Xue†, Haixiao Dong†, Hongru Huang, Shipeng Li, Xiaohui Shan, He Li, Hongkui Liu, Dong Xia, Shengzhong Su*and Yaping Yuan*. Mutation in Mg-Protoporphyrin IX  Monomethyl Ester (Oxidative) Cyclase Gene ZmCRD1 Causes Chlorophyll-Deficiency in Maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 912215.

3. Chunmei Xue†, Yuan Jiang†, Zhixue Wang, Xiaohui Shan, Yaping Yuan,* and Jian Hua*. Tissue-level transcriptomic responses to local and distal chilling reveal potential chilling survival mechanisms in maize. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2021, 72, 21: 7610 - 7625.

4. Haixiao Dong† , He Li† , Yingjie Xue , Shengzhong Su , Shipeng Li , Xiaohui Shan, Hongkui Liu , Nan Jiang , Xuyang Wu , Zhiwu Zhang and Yaping Yuan*. E183K Mutation in Chalcone Synthase C2 Causes Protein Aggregation and Maize Colorless. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12 , 679654.

5. Meiqi Ding†, Haixiao Dong†, Yingjie Xue, Shengzhong Su, Ying Wu, Shipeng Li, Hongkui Liu, He Li, Junyou Han, Xiaohui Shan*, Yaping Yuan*. Transcriptomic analysis reveals somatic embryogenesis‑associated signaling pathways and gene expression regulation in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Molecular Biology , 2020, 104 : 647 - 663.

6. Beibei Liu †, Xiaohui Shan †, Ying Wu, Shengzhong Su, Shipeng Li, Hongkui Liu, Junyou Han and Yaping Yuan *. iTRAQ-Based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Embryogenic and Non-embryogenic Calli Derived from a Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Line Y423. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19, 4004.

7. Xiaoyu Wang, Xiaohui Shan, Ying Wu, Shengzhong Su, Shipeng Li, Hongkui Liu, Junyou Han, Chunmei Xue, Yaping Yuan*. iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomicanalysis reveals new metabolic

pathwaysresponding to chilling stress in maize seedlings. Journal of

Proteomics. 2016, 146 :14 - 24.

8. Xiaoyu Wang, Xiaohui Shan, Chunmei Xue, Ying Wu, Shengzhong Su, Shipeng Li, Hongkui Liu, Yuan Jiang, Yanfei ZhangYaping Yuan*. Isolation and functional characterization of a cold responsive phosphatidylinositol transfer-associated protein, ZmSEC14p from maize (Zea may L.). Plant Cell Rep, 2016, 35, 8 :1671 - 1686.

9. Shipeng Li, Haixiao Dong, Guang Yang, Ying Wu, Shengzhong Su, Xiaohui Shan, Hongkui Liu, Junyou Han, Jianbo Liu, and Yaping Yuan*. Identification of microRNAs involved in chilling response of maize by high-throughput sequencing. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM. 2016, 60, 2: 251 - 260.

10. Hushuai Nie†, Shipeng Li†, Xiaohui Shan, Ying Wu, Shengzhong Su, Hongkui Liu, Junyou Han and Yaping Yuan*. Analysis of gene expression patterns and levels in maize hybrids and their parents. Genet. Mol. Res., 2015, 14 , 4: 15399 - 15411.

11. Beibei Liu† , Shengzhong Su† , Ying Wu, Ying Li, Xiaohui Shan, Shipeng Li, Hongkui Liu, Haixiao Dong, Meiqi Ding, Junyou Han, Yaping Yuan*. Histological and transcript analyses of intact somatic embryos in anelite maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line Y423.  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2015, 92, 81 - 91.

12. Shuai Wang, †Shengzhong Su†, Ying Wu, Shipeng Li, Xiaohui Shan, Hongkui Liu, Shu Wang, and Yaping Yuan*. Overexpression of maize chloride channel gene ZmCLC-d in Arabidopsis thaliana improved its stress resistance. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, 2015, 59, 1: 55 - 64.

13. Tianjiao Liu, Lifang Sun, Xiaohui Shan, Ying Wu, Shengzhong Su, Shipeng Li, Hongkui Liu, Junyou Han and Yaping Yuan*. Analysis of DNA methylation patterns and levels in maize hybrids and their parents. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014, 13, 4: 8458 - 8468.

14.  Lifang Sun, Ying Wu, Hongda Zou, Shengzhong Su, Shipeng Li, Xiaohui Shan, Jinghui Xi, Yaping Yuan*. Comparative proteomic analysis of the H99 inbred maize (Zea mays L.) line in embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus during somatic embryogenesis. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult., 2013, 113:103 - 119.

15. Xiaohui Shan, Xiaoyu Wang, Guang Yang, Shengzhong Su, Shipeng Li, Hongkui Liu, Ying Wu and Yaping Yuan*. Analysis of the DNA methylation of Maize (Zea mays L.) in response to cold stress based on methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphisms. J. Plant Biol., 2013, 56:32 - 38.

16.  Ying Wu, Hongda Zou, Hui Cheng, Cunyan Zhao, Lifang Sun, Shengzhong Su, Shipeng Li and Yaping Yuan*. Cloning and characterization of a β-amyrin synthase gene from the medicinal tree Aralia elata (Araliaceae) Genet. Mol. Res., 2012,11, 3: 2301 - 2314.

17.  Lifang Sun , Ying Wu , Shengzhong Su , Hongkui Liu , Guang Yang , Shipeng Li , Xiaohui Shan, Yaping Yuan*. Differential gene expression during somatic embryogenesis in the maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line H99. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult., 2012, 109:271 - 286.

18.  Meijiao Wang, Hongda Zou, Zhishan Lin, Ying Wu, Xiao Chen and Yaping Yuan*. Expressed sequence tag-PCR markers for identification of alien barley chromosome 2H in wheat Genet. Mol. Res., 2012, 11, 3: 3452 - 3463.

19. Hongda Zou, Ying Wu, Hongkui Liu , Zhishan Lin , Xingguo Ye, Xiao Chen and Yaping Yuan*. Development and identification of wheat-barley 2H chromosome translocation lines carrying the Isa gene. Plant Breeding, 2012, 131, 69 - 74.

20. Guang Yang , Hongda Zou, Ying Wu, Hongkui Liu, Yaping Yuan*. Identification and characterisation of candidate genes involved in chilling responses in maize (Zea mays L.).  Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult., 2011, 106:127 - 141.


1. 玉米新品种吉大101, 吉审玉2010026 2010.1, 吉林省农作物品种审定委员会。

2. 玉米新品种吉大218,国审玉20180195, 2018.9,  农业部国家农作物品种审定委员会。

3. 玉米新品种吉大219,国审玉20200063, 2020.11,  农业部国家农作物品种审定委员会。

4. 玉米体细胞胚胎的诱导方法, ZL 2011 1 0024436.0。原亚萍,李颖, 吴颖,苏胜忠,刘宏魁 ,李世鹏,单晓辉。

5. 玉米磷脂酰肌醇转运蛋白基因ZmSEC14p的克隆及应用,ZL 2015 1 0240033.8。 原亚萍, 王晓宇, 单晓辉, 苏胜忠, 吴颖, 李世鹏, 刘宏魁, 韩俊友, 薛春梅, 王帅。

6. 玉米ATP结合盒转运体蛋白E2基因ZmABCE2及应用, ZL201910494012.7。 原亚萍,单晓辉,王晓宇,刘宇飞,韩俊友,李贺,苏胜忠,刘洪魁,李世鹏,吴颖。

7. -大麦2H重组材料创制及外源基因表达研究,新葡的京集团8814vip。原亚萍,陈孝,邹宏达,吴颖,刘宏魁。吉林省科学技术厅,自然科学3等奖(2013Z30003)。

8. 玉米新品种吉大101选育推广及其杂种优势机理研究,新葡的京集团8814vip。 原亚萍, 刘宏魁,李世鹏,吴 颖,梁 卫,苏胜忠,单晓辉,韩俊友,孙丽芳,崔金虎, 杨 光,聂虎帅。 吉林省科学技术厅,吉林省科学技术进步奖二等奖(2016J2K031)。


1. 原亚萍,《分子生物学考研精解》,副主编,科学出版社,2010.10

2. 原亚萍,《生物学实验500问》,副主编, 新葡的京集团8814vip出版社,2008.6

3. 原亚萍,《遗传学实验指导及图谱》,副主编,吉林科学技术出版社,2006.11



E-mail: Yuanyp@jlu.edu.cn



